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Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout


Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis. It is also known as toe or feet disease as the condition generally starts from the toe, knee or wrist joints. In few cases more than one joint can also be affected at one time.

When the human body breaks down the chemicals called purines, it produces uric acid. Purines are found naturally in the human body and in the food. Normally, this uric acid dissolves and goes through the urine via the kidneys. But if the body is producing too much uric acid or if the body is not excreting enough uric acid, it starts accumulating in the body. This accumulation leads to the formation of sharp needle like crystals. When they accumulate in the joints or surrounding tissues, it causes pain, inflammation and swelling.


Gout is caused due to the following factors:-

  • High level of uric acid in the body
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise
  • Due to skipping of meals
  • Due to dehydration
  • High aspirin intake may also cause gout
  • Menopause


  • Sudden bouts of unbearable pain
  • Inflammation and tenderness in the joints
  • Pain is aggravated usually at night or in the early morning
  • Affected joint becomes hot, swollen and is sensitive to touch
  • Pain and swelling generally goes away after 1-2 weeks.
  • Change in the colour of the skin
  • Pain and redness in the small joints of the body
  • Burning sensation
  • Fever


In Ayurveda, this can be compared with the Vatarakta. The main dosha involved in this condition is vata and it affects the rakta dhatu. Vata dosha is vitiated due to intake of spicy, sour, salty, alkaline, heavy and penetrating foods. The vitiated doshas then travel in the whole body channels and start accumulating in the smaller joints that further causes damage to the tissues and bones of that joint resulting in the condition of Vatarakta.

Following factors are responsible for causing increase in the level of uric acid:-

  • Excessive anger
  • Due to waking up late or sleeping in the daytime
  • Excessive travelling
  • Trauma
  • Overindulgence in physical excercises
  • Overindulgence in sexual activity
  • Suppressing natural urges of the body

Single herbs that are essential in increased level of uric acid are:-

  • Gokshur
  • Varuna
  • Daruharidra
  • Neem
  • Kutaki
  • Manjishtha
  • Haritaki
  • Vibhitaki
  • Haritaki
  • Aloe vera
  • Guduchi
  • Punarnava

Ayurvedic formulations useful in this condition are:-

  • Kaishore Guggulu
  • Navvarshik Churna
  • Giloy satva
  • Punarnava mandoor
  • Giloy ghan vati
  • Gokshuradi Guggulu
  • Gokshur Churna
  • Tablet Nephromed


  • Avoid high protein diet and excessive salt.
  • Avoid all sour, pungent, fried foods.
  • Have light and easily digestible foods
  • Use wholegrain bread, cereals, garlic, ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander, cardamom and cinnamon
  • Do light and gentle excercises.
  • Drink 3-4 litres of water daily to remove the toxins out of the body.
  • Eat enough carbohydrates
  • Vitamin C and Vitamin E are helpful in reducing the uric acid levels. Hence these should be included in the diet.
  • Drink fresh coconut water as this helps in normalizing the uric acid level.
  • Swallow 2-3 fresh, peeled garlic buds with water on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Consume baking soda solution to help dissolve uric acid crystals.
  • Have fruits such as cherries, strawberries, grapes and blueberries.


  • Take one cup of mustard oil and add 10 gram of camphor to it. Heat till camphor dissolves completely. Massage the affected area with lukewarm oil.
  • Eat one apple after every meal as apples contain malic acid and helps in neutralizing the uric acid.
  • Add the juice of half a lime to one glass of water. Drink this twice a day. Citric acid present in the lime helps in dissolving the uric acid.
  • Take few ice cubes and wrap them in the cloth. Place on the affected area. This provides temporary pain relief.
  • Add half teaspoon of baking soda to 8 oz of water. Mix thoroughly and drink maximum eight glasses of this water daily.

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