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Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic condition characterized by an individual's inability to control or stop drinking alcohol despite negative consequences on their health, relationships, and overall well-being. It often involves a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol.

Causes of alcoholism-

The causes of alcoholism are complex and can involve a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors

·        Genetic predisposition, family history of alcoholism, traumatic experiences, mental health issues, and social influences can contribute to the development of alcohol use disorder.

·        Additionally, stress, peer pressure, and easy access to alcohol may play roles in the onset of alcoholism.

Symptoms of alcoholism-

Common symptoms of alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder (AUD), include:

·        Loss of Control: Inability to limit or stop drinking despite attempts.

·        Craving: Strong desire or urge to consume alcohol

·        Tolerance: Needing more alcohol to achieve the desired effect.

·        Physical Dependence: Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking.

·        Neglect of Responsibilities: Neglecting work, school, or family obligations due to alcohol use.

·        Continued Use despite Consequences: Drinking despite negative impacts on health, relationships, or legal issues.

·        Time Spent Drinking: Significant time spent obtaining, using, or recovering from the effects of alcohol.

·        Reduced Activities: Decreased participation in social, recreational, or occupational activities.

How to get rid of alcoholism natural-

Overcoming alcoholism typically requires professional assistance, but there are natural approaches and lifestyle changes that can complement treatment:

·        Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep to support overall well-being.

 ·        Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices such as mindfulness and meditation can help manage stress and cravings.


·        Dietary Changes: Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced and wholesome diet. Specific dietary recommendations would depend on an individual's constitution (dosha). A practitioner may suggest incorporating herbs and spices like ginger and turmeric.

·        Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda employs various herbs to support detoxification and balance the body.

·      ·        Ashwagandha

·         Brahmi are herbs commonly used for their adaptogenic and calming properties.

 ·        Panchakarma: This Ayurvedic detoxification process involves cleansing procedures to eliminate toxins from the body.

·        Yoga and Meditation: Ayurveda often integrates yoga and meditation to promote mental and physical well-being. These practices can aid in managing stress and supporting overall health

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