- Patha (Cissampelos pareira),
- shati (Hedychium spicatum),
- susha, sunishanna, satinaja , alleviate all the three doshas and easily digest and absorb.
- Sunishanna increases hunger and it is aphrodisiac,
- Rajakshava is better and cures duodenal diseases and hemorrhoids;
- Vastuka breaks up the hard faces.
- Kakamachi (Solanum nigrum) alleviates all the three doshas, useful in skin diseases, aphrodisiac in nature, hot in potency, revitalize, help in easy movement of faces, and is good for the voice.
- Changeri (Oxalis corniculata) is sour in taste, good for digestion, good for duodenal diseases, hemorrhoids, and increased Vata and Kapha, hot in potency, elimination of fluids, and is easily digestible.
- Patola, saptala, arista (neem leaves),
- Sharngeshta (angaravalli/bharangi),
- Avalguja (Bakuchi),
- Amruta (Tinospora),
- Vetra (shoot of vetra),
- Brhati (Solanum indicum),
- Vasa (Adhatoda vasica),
- Tilaparnika (badraka),
- Mandukaparni (Gotu kola),
- Karkota, karavella (bitter gourd).
- Parpata, nadikalaya, gojihwa (godhumi);
- Vartaka (brhati),
- Vanatiktaka (vatsaka/kutaja), karira,
- Kulaka (kupila),
- Nandi (jaya),kucaila,
- Sakuladani (mesasrngi),
- Katilla (raktapunarnava),
- Kebuka (kembuka),kosataka,Karkasa (kampilla)
- These are cold in potency, the taste is bitter, pungent after the end of digestion, holds the movement of fluids, increases Vata and reduces Kapha and pitta.
- Patola is good for the heart or the mind, helpful in worms, sweet at the end of digestion.
- Vrusha (Vasa) cures vomiting, cough, and especially so the hemorrhagic disease.
- Bitter gourd bitter in taste, improve digestion and reduce Kapha and pitta.
- Brinjal benefits: Brinjal is pungent, bitter, hot in potency, sweet in taste, alleviate Kapha and Vata dosha, it is slightly alkaline, good for digestion improves taste, and does not aggravate pitta in the body.
- Karira distend the abdomen, it is astringent, sweet, and bitter in taste,
- Kosataki and avalguja break the hard faces and improve digestion.
- Tanduliya is cold in potency, dry in nature, sweet in taste, and at the end of digestion easily digestible, cures intoxication, pitta, and poison.
- Munjata alleviates Vata and pitta, it is unctuous, cold in potency, difficult to digest, sweet in taste, makes the body strong, and increases semen.
- Palankya is heavy to digest, and laxative.
- Upodika (spinach) relieves intoxication.
- Chanchu is similar to palankya and elimination of fluids.
- Vidari alleviates Vata and pitta dosha, it is a diuretic, sweet in taste, and cold in potency, increased life span by giving strength makes the body strong, good for the throat, hard to digest, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenator in nature.
- Jivanti it is good for the eyes, alleviates all the dosas, sweet in taste, and cold in potency.
- Kusmanda (ash gourd), alabu, Kalinga, karkaru, tindisa, trapusa, cirbhata—all increase Kapha and Vata dosha, breaks the hard faces, stays long without digest properly inside the stomach, cause more secretion in the tissues, sweet in taste and at the end of digestion it is not easily digestible.
- Ash Gourd Benefits Ash gourd is best among the creepers, reduces Vata and pitta purify the urinary bladder, and aphrodisiac in nature.
- Tumba (alabu) is very dry and causes dryness, absorbent in nature.
- Mrinala (lotus stalk), lotus root, lotus tuber, kumuda (utpala kanda), mashaka, keluta, srngataka, kaseruka, kranucadana and kalodya dry in nature and causes dryness, water-absorbent quality, cold in potency, and easily digestible.
- Kalamba, Nalika (kapotacarana), marsa, cilli (vastuka), latvaka, jivanta, kutinjara, kutumbaka, karutaka, yavasaka (yavanisaka), gavedhuka, suvarchala aluka of different kinds, leaves of legumes used for soup and they are all sweet, slightly dry, salty in nature, increases Vata and Kapha dosha, not easily digest, cold in potency, help in the elimination of urine and faces, stay long in the stomach for digestion; if they are cooked in steam, the juice is taken out and mixed with oils, they will not cause much aggravation of the dosha.
- Cilli, it has small leaves is a similar property with vastuka.
- Tarkari and Varuna are sweet and slightly better in nature and reduce Kapha and Vata dosha. The two kinds of kalasaka and varsabhu are slightly alkaline, pungent, and bitter in taste, improves digestion, break the hard faces and cure artificial poisoning, dropsy, Kapha, and Vata dosha.
- Cirabilva sprouts increase appetite, reduce Kapha and Vata dosha, and help in the movement of Bowels.
- Satavari Sprouts are bitter in taste, aphrodisiac in nature, and reduce the three doshas.
- Vamsakarira (tender shoots of bamboo) causes dryness inside the body, heartburn, and an increase in Vata and pitta dosha.
- Pattura improves digestion, bitterness in taste, cures enlargement of the spleen, hemorrhoids, and reduces Kapha and Vata dosha.
- Kasamarda cures disease caused by worms, cures cough and increase of Kapha in the body, and moves the bowels.
- Kousumbha is dry in nature, hot in potency, sour in taste, heavy to digest increases pitta dosha and makes the bowels move.
- Sarsapa (mustard) is not easily digestible, hot in potency, combines the faces and urine, and causes the increase of all the dosha in the body.
- Mulaka (radish), has not had a definite taste, slightly alkaline and better in taste, reduces dosha, easily digestible, hot in potency, and treats abdominal tumors, cough, asthma, ulcers, and disease of ENT, abnormal voice change, retro peristalsis, and chronic nasal catarrh.
- Radish benefits: Radish that is breakable, and not having the definite taste, slightly alkaline and bitter in taste, balances dosha, easy to digest, hot in potency and treat abdominal tumors, cough, respiratory conditions, ulcers, diseases of ENT, hoarseness of voice, bloating, and rhinitis. Radish that is big in size are hard to digest, in taste these are pungent and after the end of digestion nor in potency, increases dosha in the body, and it is abhishynadi (sticky). When it cooked with fats it reduces Vata, the dried one causes an increase in the dosha.
- Pindalu is pungent in taste, hot in potency, reduces Vata and Kapha, and increases pitta. Drum stick, surasa, asuri, bhutrna, sumuka, arjaka, jambira, etc. when they are green they are good water absorbent, it causes a burning sensation during digestion, pungent in taste, cause dryness in the body, hot in potency, good for the heart, improve hunger and taste, destroy vision, semen, and worms, penetrates deep cause slight increase of the dosha and easily digestible.
- Holy basil benefits Surasa (Tulsi – Holy Basil) cures hiccup, cough, pain in the flanks, bad breath, poison, asthma.
- Sumukha does not cause much burning sensation, cures homicidal poison and dropsy.
- Ardrika (coriander) is bitter, sweet in taste, and has diuretic properties not increase pitta dosha.
- Garlic benefits: Lashuna (garlic) is highly penetrating into deep tissues, hot in potency, pungent in taste, and at the end of digestion makes the bowls move out, good for the heart, mind, and hairs, heavy to digest, aphrodisiac, unctuous, improves taste and digestion, give strength, greatly vitiates the blood and pitta, cures leucoderma, the skin diseases, abdominal tumors, hemorrhoids, diabetes, worms, diseases caused by Kapha and Vata, hiccup, chronic nasal catarrh, asthma, and cough. It is a rejuvenator of the body.
- Grinjanaka (carrot) is best for persons suffering from hemorrhoids that have Kapha and Vata origin, it is penetrating, water-absorbent in nature, and not suitable to those who have pitta predominance.
- Surana (Yam) improves digestion, improves taste, reduces Kapha it is non-unctuous, easily digestible, and especially good for hemorrhoids, bhukanda increase all the dosha to a great extent. Leaves, flowers, fruits (unripe), tubular leaves, and tubers are heavy to digest in their successive order.
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